Friday, December 2, 2011

Things citizen Hate About Camping

Some people love camping trips, while others can't stand them. As a fan of such holidays, I decided to carry out a diminutive poll among those who weren't so keen. The results make captivating reading. In this description I list the most hated things about camping and carry out some analysis.

So here it is, like an award ceremony, my list of the main hates that people have when you mention camping trips:

Tents Travel

1. The weather: It's captivating that the weather is the top object of hate. Pretty much every person that I spoke to said that they didn't like the understanding of being stuck in a tent while the rain poured down.

Is this conclusive evidence that the weather puts people off more than any other particular factor? Not necessarily. It may just reflect that I was request friends here in England, where the weather tends to be considerably less pleasant than in other areas of the world.

2. The understanding of an uncomfortable night's sleep: Pretty self explanatory this one - it seems that most people prefer the understanding of their own beds.

3. Putting the tent up: There were a compound of comments about this issue. Some hated the understanding of arriving at a bivouac after a long drive and then having to spend time erecting a tent. They felt that they'd prefer to stay in a more permanent building.

Others were honest sufficient to say that they didn't have a clue how to put up a tent. Whether way, this seems to be something that people certainly dislike.

4. Bugs, insects and other annoyances: Part of the pleasure in a camping trip is the fact that you can get closer to nature, but it seems that some people are close sufficient already.

5. Toilet facilities: This was mentioned more by women than by men. There was a lot of concern about bivouac toilets and issues of privacy.

6. Lack of hot showers: approximately connected to the former note but quite a few people mentioned that they liked to have a hot shower in the morning and just couldn't deal with their day without one.

Looking at the list above, it's clear that there are a estimate of things that put people off camping trips. I found some to be more surprising than others. Do they surprise you?

Those of us who do enjoy camping have obviously got our work cut out trying to persuade others of the joys complicated in such trips.

Things citizen Hate About Camping

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