Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tent Camping With Small Children

It is always a great thing to expose your children to something new, especially when they are at a young age. In a time when most kids are hooked on video games, Tv watching, and computers, parents should know how to divert their attentiveness into a fun action that the whole house can do together. Tent camping with small children is a smart way of introducing your kids to the outdoors, and at the same time, a fun bonding action for every person in the family.

Of course, when you are just immersing your child into the idea of tent camping, you don't immediately have to set out on a long camping trip. You can set up a small camp site in your backyard, just so they can have the idea of how sleeping outdoors works. Children, anyone age they may be, can be very imaginative, and you de facto won't run out of ways on how to motivate them to try tent camping instead of staying indoors with the Tv or computer on.

Tents Travel

A fun motivation for kids would be setting up the tent together. This teaches them how essential team work is, and how following instructions can get the job done in a shorter time. Assign a task for each child, such as putting up the tent poles, securing the pegs, and others. If you'd like, you may give each child an personel tent, such as those made for only one person, or you can all stay together in one larger tent.

Have lots of snacks on hand. Let your kids take their pick on what kinds of food they'd want to take on their backyard camping trip. If you are planning to camp out in the evening, you can start a small bonfire, following fire security precautions. Use your bonfire to roast marshmallows, make smores, or even to simulate cooking using camping cookware.

As sleep time approaches, telling stories and singing songs are classic bonfire activities for the family. Contribute one sleeping blanket for each child, and apply mosquito repellant as necessary.

Get creative with the activities you want to do with your kids. Teach them how to be responsible, and how to clean up and be organized while camping. Let your children join together your backyard tent camping as something they would like to do again. This is a great way of getting them ready for real camping trip. Pretty soon, you and the rest of the clan can be on your way to camping in the great outdoors.

Tent Camping With Small Children

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