Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Make a Teepee

A tent is requisite in any camping adventure. When you are outdoors and you intend to stay out for a period of time, you will need a tent to embrace you for the night and give you protection even during the day. If you are no commonplace adventurer, you might be keen on camping in style. In this article, we will show you how you can do just that by creating a tent that is nothing like the ordinary.

A teepee is an ancient tent that is used by Native Americans. You will often find teepees or teepee models in Indian museums. They take an prominent role in dioramas depicting the Native Americans of the olden times. A teepee is an integral part of their culture and their way of life.

Tents Travel

How to make a teepee can be pretty captivating but it can be done, of course. To help you build your teepee, take a cue from the following tips:

Tip #1: secure all the requisite materials before starting your how to make a teepee project. That is the most practical thing to do. You would not want to set off with the scheme and find that something is lacking. Your poles must be sized accordingly. So before you buy your materials, resolve on how tall you want your teepee to be. It would be ideal to have a plan at hand, as you would when construction a home. It will serve as your able guide.

Tip #2: Obviously, smaller teepees are more practical to make. They are easier to build, cheaper, and would take lesser time and effort. On the flip side, construction a smaller teepee would not allow you to enjoy camping with firm or with a large group of citizen at that.

Tip #3: There will be times that you need your protection waterproof and safe it from rain drippings. Waterproofing your teepee can be solved by securing caps on your teepee pole. Make sure not to leave out such an prominent detail before getting ahead with your how to make a teepee scheme because it will mean a lot to your relieve and convenience.

Tip #4: One of the most prominent advantages of a teepee over your quarterly tent is its potential to hold a fire burning inside. If you do not want to puff in dark smoke, be sure to use the driest wood. A clear smoke would not be irksome at all especially since it will help you avoid mosquitoes flying nearby while giving you warmth during cold nights.

How to Make a Teepee

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