Monday, July 11, 2011

First Time Camping With A Tent - Some Of The Basics

If you have never gone tent camping, try to take man with you who has at least some experience, it is not that difficult but there are some things you should be aware of before you go. For example, it is principal that you know how to build your tent, if you want your camping trip to be an enjoyable touch you should make yourself knowledgeable about all kind of camping techniques. In this record we will give you some tips to start tent camping.

Before you even leave your home, you should build your tent at least one time in your yard or a park in the neighbourhood. This way you can be sure that you have all you need to set up your tent and you know how to do it.

Tents Travel

Choose a safe location

As a novice, for your first camping trip pick a location close to home. So you can drive home if you are having some problems on your camping trip. Also pick a location that is safe to stay, you are away from the security and relieve of your home and you should try to make your camping trip as safe and comfortable as possible, this way you can enjoy your camping trip to the full extent.

Building your tent on a slope is not a save place, but that is just coarse sense. Most novice campers would pick a nice spot in a valley near a microscopic creek when they would have the opportunity to choose. Any way that is not all the time the safest place to build your tent. You should all the time try to build your tent on high land, especially when you are camping in the rainy season. The land where you built your tent, should also be even, and you should remove all rocks, sticks and other hard stuff, it should be comfortable to sleep on, you are going to need all the rest you can get.

Protect your tent

When you have cleared the ground from all hard matters and other stuff that could damage the tent, you should use a ground cloth. A ground cloth is an principal peace of camping gear you can't do without. While all kind of weather and especially in the rainy season this cloth will safe the ground floor of your tent from any kind of damage. microscopic sticks and rocks can't penetrate the floor and because of that water can't come in. A ground cloth is a cheap way to safe your high-priced tent. You can buy it in separate sizes in any local camping store and most gas stations. When it is very rainy you can dig some ditches nearby your tent with a ditch important down and away from your tent.

Hammer those stacks

Most tents come with stacks, some are wood, other aluminum or steel but they are the stuff that keeps your tent in place and you can't do without them, so check and double check if you have packed your stacks. The stacks fix your tent to the ground and you should use a hammer to gather them in the right way. By placing first the back stacks, then the front and after that the stacks in in the middle of you can tighten the tent in to shape, there will be no dents in the canvas and water will just run down the tent. The stacks also will keep your tent from being blown away in case of heavy wind.

First Time Camping With A Tent - Some Of The Basics

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