Tuesday, May 31, 2011

6 Super In-Tent Activities For Your Children

"Rain, Rain Ago Away" is one of the most popular children's rhymes of all times. When was it written? Though historians are not 100% safe bet about its origins, one system is that it is based on the Spaniards' invasion of England, while the Elizabethan period. Stormy weather was partially responsible for the Spaniards' defeat. Your kids may also sound defeated when reciting the rhyme while a house camping trip. Dealing with bored kids at home is one thing. But the question seems doubly worse when the house is confined to a camping house tent. What is a parent to do?

When packing up your house camping gear, together with a house camping tent, camping sleeping bags, camping stove, and Brass Beaded Neck Chains, make sure to also pack up adequate items and knowledge that will help your kids to stay busy while those dark nights and rainy days when the rain refuses to go away. Here are some ideas to help you:

Tents Travel

1. Sing a (campfire) song. The great thing about campfire songs is that they can be sung anytime when camping, together with when trapped inside tents. You can find hundreds on the Internet, but it is all the time more meaningful to teach your kids some of your own. One of my favorites was, "John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt." What was your popular jingle?

2. Campfire stories without the fire. Campfire stories are an excellent action that can be enjoyed within the confines of a tent. They can range from silly to spooky. At nighttime, you can also use a Coleman flashlight to originate extra effects. However, if you are camping with younger children, make sure that the ending is never too scary. That could forestall them from falling asleep later.

3. Board games forestall boredom. Just as they do at home, board games can keep your kids busy for hours, wheeling and dealing asset or trying to conquer the world. Just make sure that adequate light is provided, and that the games are appropriate for your children's ages.

4. Dance 'til dawn. You can use your camping flashlight to originate a disco in the tent. One kid can dance around while someone else child fast moves the flashlight, to originate an supervene that resembles a strobe light.

5. The camping trip game. This is a simple, yet fun game for kids to play. The first player says "I'm going on a camping trip, and I'm going to bring..." Then, the player can list anyone that he or she would bring, such as a tent, sleeping bag, backpack, or Elastic Neck Cords. The next player begins with the same phrase, but adds an object whose first letter is the same as the last letter of the previously mentioned object. For example, if the first child mentions a tent, then the next player could list a toy, turtle, teapot, etc. The game continues in the same manner.

6. Connect the squares. originate a grid of dots on a sheet of paper. The first child connects two dots that are next to each other. Then the next child connects someone else two dots on the paper. The goal is to draw the last side of a square. When a player accomplishes that, the child puts his initials by the square. The winner is the player who completes the most squares while the game.

Nights and rainy days can seem to ruin any camping trip with your child. But by making ready assorted activities that can be enjoyed from a house camping tent, you can keep your house camping as practical as troops Neck Chains. Your kids may enjoy the games so much that they sing "Sun, sun, go away."

6 Super In-Tent Activities For Your Children

Monday, May 30, 2011

Tent Raising For Beginners

Are you are a first time camper or have you just purchased a new tent and nothing else but aren't sure how it goes up, try it out at home in case it collapses on you so your friends and house don't have a story to tell colse to the camp fire. So here are a few uncomplicated rules for raising that new tent.

First find the poles. If the fly and vestibule have poles put those aside for later assembly. Now snap the pole sections together. There is an elastic cord inside the poles which will make this easy.

Tents Travel

Now is the time to put the poles on the tent. If your tent has windows open them before you put the poles on the tent. Next is to decide whether or not your tent has sleeves or pole clips. If your tent has sleeves thread the pole through the sleeve starting at one projection to the opposite corner. Thread all the poles before putting the poles in the pole pockets. Now insert the poles into the pockets and your tent is up. If you have pole clips, which is a lot easier, put the poles in the pole pockets and clip the tent to the poles.

Next step is to stake out your tent. Check the floor and make sure it is pulled out evenly. If you have wrinkles from one projection to the other it is pulled too tight in the direction of the wrinkle. Reposition the stakes until the wrinkle is gone and the floor is even and flat.

Your almost done but you need to put on the fly. Match the fly door with the tent door. Now before you buckle the fly at the corners make sure they are a microscopic loose because if they are over tightened the fly will stretch and sooner or later will be out of alignment.

Sometimes the weather doesn't cooperate and you need to be prepared for that occasion. That means adding guy lines. If it starts to come to be windy or rainy you need to add guy lines on the side of the tent were the wind and rain are advent from. Placing two lines on that side is great than one on the side and one on the back.

Now your tent is up and ready for you to move in. It's Ok. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

Just one last thing for that first time camper. When you arrive at the camp ground find a spot that is as flat as possible, believe me this won't be that easy, and clean the area completely to take off whatever that can damage the floor of your tent. If you think it might rain look for high ground so you don't end up sitting in a pool of water.

Now let's do a quick review.

* First find as flat a camp site as possible on high ground.
* Second lay out your poles and snap them together.
* Third feed your poles through the sleeves or clip your tent to the poles.
* Fourth stake out your tent.
* Lastly buckle on your fly.

Now go out and have a great time!

Tent Raising For Beginners

Saturday, May 28, 2011

New 10' X 10' EZ Pop Set Up Canopy Tent Gazebo Includes 4 Sidewalls Blue for $89.95

Cheap New 10' X 10' EZ Pop Set Up Canopy Tent Gazebo Includes 4 Sidewalls Blue Review

$89.95 $89.95

Columbia Tents

Choosing the right camping tool is leading as it is choosing the right brand name to use. Many people already have their popular brand of camping tool and others just choose what they need without caring unquestionably on how long persisting the tool is.

Columbia equipments are one of the best in today's market. They have all kind of supplies you will need when you go camping or back packing. Columbia tents are one such tool that the company offers with good quality. Since tents come with dissimilar varieties and that is what Columbia offers.

Tents Travel

Choosing Columbia tents will make it easier for you to get the right quality as well as make your shopping for equipments faster. Try the Columbia supplies website where you will find all the necessary tool that you will need for your camping trip as well as information on all things you will need for a camping trip.

Camping is an adventure that you will need the right tool that shall not fail on you as you camp in unusual terrain. That is why you should choose camping tool from Columbia camping supplies, therefore you won't have to worry either your tent will fall on you while the night or either your sleeping bag will refuse to unzip when you get up the next morning.

While most tents offer you some qualities that are good, Columbia tents offer you more. They keep you warm throughout the night even in extreme weather such as cold weather the tents keep you warm and are air tight therefore you do not get any cold air coming in. While in summer or extreme heat the tents comes with an extra shade that keeps you cool even while the day.

Columbia Tents

Friday, May 27, 2011

Best family Tent - 5 Crucial Things to consider When Buying a family Tent to Ensure You Get the Best

Without doubt, camping is good for body and mind. It's the exquisite house holiday. And it's good for your budget. Once you got your equipment, you can go for very cheap holidays whenever you feel like, since camping sites will fee you much lower fees than hotels. If you love camping, you in effect want your own house tent. But which is the best one for you?

Here are 5 crucial things you should think before buying a house tent:
Where do you want to go camping? When do you regularly go camping? What kind of camping holiday do you plan? What are your family's needs? Best potential or lowest price?#1: Where do you want to go camping?
Make sure your house tent is suitable for the place you want to go to. think the weather conditions. If you are likely to face rain or rough winds, pick a sturdy tent with good rain and wind protection. For very wet or hot climates, good ventilation is important.

Tents Travel

#2: When do you regularly go camping?
Not every house tent can be used throughout the whole year. If you plan to go camping in the colder seasons, make clear your tent is suitable for fall or winter.

#3: What kind of camping holiday do you plan?
If you stay at one place for weeks, you might want a more luxurious house tent that allows you to also spend time indoors, maybe by gift a screen room. For a backpacking tour, your main concern should be to find a tent that you can transport in effect and that is quick to set up. If you backpack with a larger family, go for 2 backpacking tents instead of one big tent.

#4: What are your family's needs?
If you have kids that you would like to keep separated, a cabin tent with any rooms is a great option. Individually accessible rooms and a combo room as normal entertainment area ensure privacy for those who need it whenever they need it. To keep things organized, watch out for a house tent with features like vestibules, gear loft or pockets sewn into the tent walls.

#5: Best potential or lowest price?
For a once off vacation in a quiet region, a cheaper tent might do. But if you plan to go camping on a quarterly basis, or tour to areas with rougher weather conditions, it in effect pays off to invest a bit more and buy a high potential house tent. This will protect you better, offer you more relieve and last you much longer. pick a tent that comes faultless with all parts you need to use it. Also watch out for warranty services and the possibility to have your tent serviced or get change parts.

To find the best house tent, make sure you pick one that meets your family's needs and is suitable for the area you go to and the season you are travelling in. Always buy the best potential you can afford.

Best family Tent - 5 Crucial Things to consider When Buying a family Tent to Ensure You Get the Best

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Eureka charge and Eureka Equinox Tents - Don't Let the Weather Ruin Your Next Camping Trip

My family and I love to camp, but I guess you could say I am somewhat of a "fair weather" camper, since the idea of camping in any kind of bad weather does not petition to me. But, like it or not, weather has a way of happening, so having a tent that can deal with whatever mum Nature has in mind is important. Eureka makes two such tents: the Eureka Equinox 6 and the Eureka assault Outfitter. Each is designed differently, but they both are great at holding up to the elements.

Let's start with the Eureka Equinox 6. When it comes to having a tent that is going to keep everybody dry, this tent is truly superb. The heavy duty oxford nylon floor does a great job of repelling water, and even the construct of the windows help keep things dry, as they are hooded to safe against the rain. Plus, there is the Eureka Stormshield polyester fly that provides further full coverage while improving durability.

Tents Travel

The Eureka Equinox 6 has a hexagonal dome shape that provides a lot of interior space. With 87 square feet and sleeping room for up to 6, you will not feel cramped. And if you don't have 6 people, even best because you will have the selection to spread out a bit. In addition, the town height goes up to 79 inches, so a tall person will not have to stoop inside.

The Eureka assault Outfitter was designed similar to soldiery tents, so it will deal with just about any type of weather. Seeing for a tent that can go anywhere, any time of year? Take a look at this tent. With it's domed shape, it sheds rain and snow very easily, protecting you from the elements year-round.

Now the Eureka assault Outfitter is not a big tent, sleeping up to three citizen in just 64 square feet of space. But at a minuscule over 13 pounds it is easy to transport, in fact many folks find it to be a great tent for backpacking. This is not the tent to use for camping with a lot of family members for a long vacation, but for a quick set-up, easy to carry tent, it is just right.

If you have been searching for a tent that is tough, durable, and can keep you dry, then you will want to look at these two tents. Both the Eureka Equinox 6 and the Eureka assault Outfitter can deal with just about whatever mum Nature throws out. I don't think there is any more prominent capability in a tent than that.

Eureka charge and Eureka Equinox Tents - Don't Let the Weather Ruin Your Next Camping Trip

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Toddler Camping Bed - How to voyage Light

Do you find planning a camping trip stressful?

Trying to remember all you need to pack and at the same time seeing the space to store it isn't easy. I know I have been on many camping trips and each time the first thing I pack is my toddler camping bed. Of course, I do pack other foremost things too. But next to the tent this is the most foremost item of all the camping equipment, to me.

Tents Travel

You see it's all about convenience for me. Why? Because I don't want to spend my holiday fighting with camping equipment. I want to enjoy the time with my kids. After all, you can't get the costly early years back can you?

Camping equipment has come a long way in up-to-date years - thank goodness! Tents can now "Pop-up" it has to be said this is one of the best advances in camping equipment. It's overwhelming for all us folk who don't want to spend hours trying to find out which pole goes where!

Even good the toddler camping bed inflates and deflates in seconds. Perfect... No more foot pumps to inflate beds and even worse trying to deflate it when it's time to go home.

So when I get to the camp site I want to see the tent up in minutes and the inflatable beds up even quicker. all else falls into place after that.

After all, the sleeping arrangements are the most foremost of all aren't they?

Making sure you're sleeping area is wind proof, air tight, waterproof and of course comfortable is of the top priority for any parent. Staying dry and cosy in the tent can't be beat - believe me I've had the opposite touch in the past and it's not a lot of fun.

The main priority for me is that my kids have a great time and they get to touch the great outdoors. But I do like to make sure we have the best home comforts when we go back to our camp site. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this - all parents want to create great memories for their kids. And, of course, make life a bit easier for themselves too.

To ensure you have the best trip it's essential to plan ahead. Don't leave whatever to opportunity - start thinking about what you need weeks in advance. This way you will greatly reduce the chances of having a "camping disaster."

5 Top Tips to make your camping trip a success

1. Plan your trip in information and this means you will be able to enjoy your holiday to the fullest
2. All the time make a tour checklist - tick of each item as you pack it
3. Pack the car the night before so that you're not in a rush the next day
4. Remember rushing means you're likely to forget something
5. The day before go to the carport and fill the car up with gas, while you're there check the tyres and oil/

A Toddler Camping Bed - How to voyage Light

Green - Light Duty 'Instant' Foldable Portable Canopy 10' x 10' Tent - Carrying Pouch Included for $86.31

Cheap Green - Light Duty 'Instant' Foldable Portable Canopy 10' x 10' Tent - Carrying Pouch Included Review

$149.99 $86.31

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tents For Backyard Fun

Looking for an uncostly way of providing some summer fun for you and your kids in the warm months to come? Try camping in your backyard! Rather than paying to stay at a campground, select to camp in your backyard on the weekends. Your kids will love the experience!

When thinking about purchasing tents for the backyard, here are some things to consider:

Tents Travel

Number of tents needed: You'll probably want to purchase at least two tents. One tent can be used by you, your spouse and puny children. The other tent can be used by older children. If need be, you might want a third tent so older boys and girls can be separated. Even though the older kids will only be a few feet away, they'll think it's fun to have their own tent. Of policy space is a consideration. Can your yard adapt two or three tents?

Types of tents: For the tent that will be used by you, your spouse and the puny ones, reconsider purchasing a family tent. You want a tent that is large enough for you to certainly stand in, otherwise being hunched over or having to crawl colse to on your hands and knees won't be fun for very long. Dome tents work great for the smaller tents. There's no need to buy super expensive tents. Go to a sell store and you should be able to find what you need. Pick up a merge of plastic tarps to lay down under the tents. This will help keep the floor of the tent from challenging moisture from the ground.

Additional camping gear: reconsider purchasing inflatable mattresses. Not only will the mattresses provide you with best sleep, but they will help keep the sleeping bags dry. Each person should have his or her own sleeping bag. For the puny kids, let them pick out a sleeping bag that has their favorite character on it, such as Superman or Mickey Mouse. Each tent needs a flashlight or light and bug repellent.

Arrange the tents so that there is fullness of space to safely have a campfire if permitted by your town or city. Even using a charcoal grill can be fun. After all, roasting hotdogs and toasting marshmallows for s'mores is part of camping!

Family traditions don't have to be super expensive. Start backyard camping in tents with your family this summer and chances are the kids will be begging to campout again next summer!

Tents For Backyard Fun

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

3 Man Tents

There are quite a few distinct types of 3 man tents ready over the market, online and in stores. You can get yourself a tunnel tent, these can be quick and easy to pitch and provides quite a bit of room for the weight. They consist of a estimate of poles that are adjacent to each other that when are bent over originate a tunnel. This gives you a lot more headroom as the top point of the tent runs down the centre of the tent.

But with these type of tents are not very steady and must be fully guided out no matter what the weather. This makes them less convenient when pitched on very hard or very soft ground so looking a place to pitch them quite be quite difficult in clear weather conditions.

Tents Travel

A dome tent commonly consists of two poles that cross over each other and flex upwards to originate a dome shape. This commonly restricts the headroom and the top point is the centre of the tent and not where you would sleep. Some dome tents then have porches at the front of the tent for an extra storehouse area, but this then means having more poles to pack which sometimes you do not need.

But dome tents are a great compromise between stability, weight and pitching time. They are heavier and can take longer to pitch but are better in a range of weather conditions.

Pop up tents are the easiest to pitch... Hence the name, sometimes even as easy as unpacking the tent shaking it into shape and pegging it down. The only real disadvantage to these tents are they are only qualified to smaller estimate of citizen and 3 citizen would be the maximum.

4 season tents are made for durability and contain a lot more poles and do take more of an exertion to pitch than other tents. They are designed to keep the warmth in and the wind out, which makes these ideal for all year round hikers and mountaineers.

Most 3 man tents are very easy to pitch which is one of the advantages to having a 3 man tent. The larger tents can be more complex and take longer to erect but can be very durable and more defiant to bad weather conditions.

It is pretty uncomplicated when selecting a tent. You are going to want to find a tent that meets all of your needs. You are also going to want to correlate prices and brands with each other. You are also going to want to read some reviews of each tent, that way you can see what kind of success other citizen have had with the tent you are looking at buying. Going to place like amazon.com is the perfect spot to read reviews. Also make sure you buy one that has all of the features you want. If you do this, you are going to be very happy with the 3 man tent you purchase.

3 Man Tents

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tips On How To Get Your Hands On A Good Camping Tent

Where I dwell it is ordinary for the common people to use up their free time fishing, hunting, and evidently, camping. They enjoy being in the open and being surrounded by the elegance of nature. There is nothing that is more calming than this. The only thing that may make a camping trip go south fast is having the wrong tent to sleep in.

These tents are the security that you have for the total trip. That is why it is important to go for one warily and to spend a good sum of money on something that 1.) you are going to be acquire in, 2.) that may safeguard you, and 3.) that will suit the personal requirements of the someone using it.

Tents Travel

Single Tents

If you are particular and enjoy to go on camping adventures often than you don't wish to have to go halves with your companions. What you need are the solitary tents. These are large sufficient to hold one person, a rucksack, and a light. They are sheltered wholly and there must also be sufficient room for your sleeping bag. These normally do not cost more than 0 if you acquire one with great materials.

Duo Tents

If you are married or your kids are sharing than you are going to must invest in something a bit more pricey and roomier. This is the time to resolve on something that can fit both of you comfortably. If you are sharing with a sibling than try to find one that is offered with a divider for some of privacy.

Family Tents

The last type of camping tents that you will be able to make use of are the family styles. These are also recognized as cabin tents. They are so huge that they are able to favorably hold colse to 6 people or more, depending on what size you choose. They are also made with dividers to supply the parents some of privacy.

Tips On How To Get Your Hands On A Good Camping Tent

Friday, May 6, 2011

Coleman Instant 8 someone Tent retell

Coleman Instant 8 man Tent is not only spacious but also easy to set up. It is available with pre attached poles that can be installed in no time. It is just a matter of unfolding the tent, spreading it and locking the poles into place and your tent is ready. Mostly, tents used for camping purposes are hard to install but this won't give you a difficult time. There is no need to waste time in reading education manuals because setting up and collapsing the tent will not take more than a minute.

The advantage of this tent is that it comes with an easy to use pole principles that is pre-attached to it. This principles saves a lot of time and once you take the Coleman Instant 8 man Tent out of the bag you just need to spread it, increase the poles and lock them in place to start using it. You will be getting two spacious rooms inside and the town height will be 6 feet 5 inches; enough for enchanting inside the tent. Determination of the tent is 14 by 10 feet and it is made up of heavy duty fabric that gives it long lasting durability.

Tents Travel

Body of this 8 man tent is made of 150D polyester. There are 2 doors and 7 windows in the tent that ensure enough visibility and ventilation. Even if the tent is large and versatile, you don't have to compromise on its sturdiness and safety. You will be safe and obtain inside the tent, irrespective of any harsh weather conditions. Either you get stuck in a storm or a heavy downpour, the WeatherTec principles of the Coleman Instant 8 man Tent will ensure that you are protected from bad weather conditions.

The interior is spacious and the face is thick and tough. As compared to other tents, you won't need a detach rain fly when using it. Rain water won't enter inside due to the fully taped rain fly seams of the tent. The body is built with polyester coated fabric in composition with webbing, zippers and anti-wicking thread to stop rain water from entering inside. The floor is waterproof and welded with inverted floor seams which help in increasing resistance from water. Frame of the Coleman Instant 8 man Tent is responsive to wind and since it comes with guy out triangles and redesigned poles you don't have to worry about its power and stability in strong windy conditions.

This Coleman Instant 8 man Tentis made in China and it is available with a one year warranty. The WeatherTec principles tents by Coleman are very efficient and this has been proved by exposing the tents in a rain room with heavy downpours and even in front of a wind machine, strong enough to blow hurricane force gusts.

This tent can categorically adapt 8 people and if two rooms are not required, the divider can be removed to create more space inside. If you are camping with your family, the divider can help you create some privacy in the tent. With the 7 windows, you can get a 360 degree view of your surrounding from inside. Thanks to the vertical walls of the Coleman Instant 8 man Tent, it becomes easy to move or stand inside. The tent comes with reverse angle windows and gear pockets for storehouse purposes. Instructions to use this 8 man tent are sewn into the carry bag. So, the next time you step out camping with your family, choose this tent for ample space and sturdiness.

Coleman Instant 8 someone Tent retell

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Three Types of Tents For Travelers

There are three types of tents beloved with travelers and backpackers. The distinct shapes and designs of dome, geodesic and tunnel tents give distinct advantages and disadvantages. Which one you choose will depend on your needs.

The cheapest tent in normal in the dome tent. You can find them at Walmart at a of course low price though they don't compare to the ones sold in camping stores. When selecting cheap dome tents, remember to make sure that the seams are sealed and that it comes with a groundsheet and the proper equipment.

Tents Travel

The dome tent is also the tent of option for many travelers because they're very easy to set up. One good tip when buying dome tents is to think about how far you're going to need to go in case the tent fails. If you're in the backcountry you might not want to go for cheap dome tents.

Tunnel tents are a of course bright alternative. Many people go for them because they pack up of course small. The poles tend to be shorter and they're very quick to set up. But you need to be rigorous about how and where you pitch the tunnel tent because they're not the sturdiest of tents and a dinky bit of wind can result in a very noisy and a very uncomfortable night.

One of the things that will impact how much money you will spend on your tent is the tent accessories. You want to be rigorous that it comes with a decent groundsheet, a decent footprint which will safe the underside of your tent.

Most tents come with quite flimsy tent pegs which is fine you're going to soft ground but for harder ground, you would need something like an aluminum v-type tent peg which are very tough.

Another prominent thing to consider is the pack size especially if the tent is going to have a ride on your bike. Dome tents with quick erect systems may be quick to set up but they result in a bigger pack size and they don't gain any stability benefit over the tunnel tent. This type of dome tent also requires extra guy lines in any kind of weather. That's why you may want to consider a more involved and garage dome tent, something like a geodesic dome which is quite solid on the ground.

Pack size and tent size don't always go together. A dome tent may pack small but a larger tunnel tent may pack even smaller. The weight of the tent should be determined as well for protection on bikes.

Space inside the tent is something that you might also want to consider. Both dome and tunnel tents have a place where you can store your gear and cut off wet gear from the sleeping area. Some tunnel tents have access on both the front and the side of tent. This allows you to store your wet gear on the front while you still have easy access to the sleeping area on the side.

The Three Types of Tents For Travelers

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Are Tents Made of?

Camping tent fabric can be formed with many materials including cotton (canvas), nylon, polyester, and felt. Cotton absorbs water, and if wet can become very heavy and unwieldy, but wet cotton is more waterproof than dry cotton. Polyesters and nylon are much brighter than cotton, and do not discharge much water; with multiple layers they can be very waterproof, but they can bend and break over time because of slow chemical collapse caused by Uv light. Since sewing makes small holes in the tent fabric, it is leading that all inherent seams are sealed up in order to block wear and tear.

Rain resistance is measured as a hydrostatic head in millimeters. This shows the pressure of the water primary on the fabric to penetrate it. Heavy wind or claimant rain has higher pressure than light rain. Standing on one groundsheet increases the pressure on underlying water. Fabric with a hydrostatic head of 1000 millimeters or smaller is regarded as shower-resistant, if 1500 millimeters, then they are usually good for summer camping. Year-round tents are usually at least 2000 millimeters, while those for extreme conditions are oftentimes nearby 3000. Ground sheets are generally 5000 millimeters or more.

Tents Travel

Many tent commerce indicate the capacity by such phrases like '3 berth' or '2 berth'. These numbers indicate how many habitancy the maker thinks can fit into a tent with sleeping bags, comfortably. These numbers do not leave for any personal asset or luggage such as inflatable mattresses, camp beds, etc. They also mean out height considerations. Contact indicates that Camping can be more comfortable if the actual whole of habitancy is less than specified by the maker by 1 or even two people. Tents can be waterproofed even more than by putting a tarp over the top and anchoring it with sticks and rocks. This is indeed established; and indeed shifted.

What Are Tents Made of?