Thursday, March 31, 2011

Green - Light Duty 'Instant' Foldable Portable Canopy 10' x 10' Tent - Carrying Pouch Included for $88.24

Cheap Green - Light Duty 'Instant' Foldable Portable Canopy 10' x 10' Tent - Carrying Pouch Included Review

$149.99 $88.24

Tent Or Rv Camping - Which is Ideal For You?

When going on a camping trip, you need to plan a lot of things like your camping destination, things to bring, food to prepare, and activities to do. But one important dilemma that many campers face is whether to go tent or Rv camping. Both options have their own pros and cons, that make it quite difficult for campers to make a choice.

If you find yourself request the same thing, you will need to evaluate your needs, habits, plans, and preferences so you can make an informed choice. Here are some factors that can help you come up with a good decision.

Tents Travel


When it comes to cost, the Rv is obviously more expensive. The cheapest recreational vehicle in the shop amounts to ,000 and the price can double or triple depending on the size, features, and amenities of the Rv. On the other hand, the most expensive tent would only cost you 0. You do not have to be a math whiz to see how big the difference is between these two things. Not to mention, other additional costs come with using an Rv like fuel, gas, electricity, and so on. This is why, if money were a big concern for you, the tent would probably be the more practical choice.


Aside from being expensive, Rvs are also high maintenance. You have to do regular inspection of the vehicle's motor to ensure that it is kept in top condition. Tents, meanwhile, do not want too much maintenance. In fact, all you need to do to care for the tent is to clean it after every use, dry it thoroughly before storing, and keep it in a safe place away from bugs, heat sources, and mildew.

Comfort and Convenience

While the tent has the edge over the Rv in both cost and maintenance, the Rv wins hands down when it comes to relax and convenience. For one, you don't have to worry about bringing too much or too itsybitsy to your trip. You can bring as many as the Rv can hold like cots for camping, sleeping bags, and so on. Not only that, sleeping will also be very comfortable inside the Rv. Even if you bring movable cots for your tent camping trip, sleeping in the Rv would still be much more relaxing.


Apart from the three factors mentioned above, you also have to consider your plans. If you plan to go on camping trips abroad, it doesn't make sense to spend in an Rv because you can't bring it there. But if you only want to go on camping trip nearby, it's all right to buy an Rv.


Of course, you also have to think about the environment when manufacture a choice. Tents are obviously the more earth-friendly option because they don't use energy unlike the Rv. If you value the environment more than your own relax and convenience, the tent is the way to go.
Both tent and Rv camping offers great opportunities for fun and enjoyment. Make sure you consider all these factors so you can make the right choice.

Tent Or Rv Camping - Which is Ideal For You?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Camping Tents - Top 10 Tips on How to Get Ready For Camping

The issue people have with camping is that in today's society we've gotten lazy and we seek relax and convenience. Camping in a tent doesn't offer these. It offers much more. Camping in a tent offers things like bonding with friends and family, becoming one with nature, enjoying all that mum nature has to offer. But in order to get the most our of camping, you need to be well prepared. Therefore, I've put together the Top Ten Tips below on things you should do to prepare for camping so it's a blast for you on your next adventure.

Top Ten Tips to prepare for camping

Tents Travel

1. Bring the right tent for you. There are three key things to look for in camping tents. Make sure it has a floor. Make sure the camping tent is waterproof. Make sure it has plenty of room for you and your friends or house to sleep and move around. This site provides1-4 person tents, house tents, adventure tents, kids tents, canopies etc.

2. Bring the right Sleeping Bag, Cot, air mattress and pillow. Your choice of a sleeping bag is one of the most foremost things to pay attentiveness to when making ready for camping because if you or others don't get a good nights rest, you'll be awry in the morning and lose some of the Joy of camping. So pick out a good, warm sleeping bag that is big and has plenty of room to move around. You may even want to buy a double sleeping bag. All the time store the clothes you are going to wear the next day in the lowest of your sleeping bag so they will be warm and dry when you wake up in the morning, One thing I like to do is bring a double air mattress and lay a comforter over the mattress. Then lay your sleeping bag on top of the comforter. It's unbelievably comfortable. Give it a shot.

3. Bring the right Food or Snack. The most tasteless food people bring camping is hot dogs and hamburgers. While these are great, I also recommend bringing pork chops, chicken and T-Bone Steaks. These are awesome on the grill. They may be a bit pricey so bring hot dogs and burgers for the kids and steaks for the adults. I also recommend bringing some kind of salad and vegetable. Potato Salad does well in a cooler and baked beans are good too. You'll have your popular acceptable meal but don't forget to bring smores and tonges to roast marshmallow over the fire pit.

If you don't know what a smore is, it's this: 1/2 Graham Cracker, with a join pieces of a Hershey chocolate bar on the cracker, then roast a marshmallow until it is golden brown. Put the hot marshmallow on the chocolate and another 1/2 graham cracker on top of the marshmallow. It will look like a graham cracker sandwich with chocolate and marshmallow in between. another popular of mine that I created is "Care Bear in a Cloud" Buy a bag of marshmallow and a box of chocolate Teddy Grahams. Stuff one or two Teddy Grahams into a marshmallow then roast the marshmallow over the fire pit until it is golden brown. Eat the Care Bear in a cloud. It's delicious.

4. Bring an extra pair of clothes. Away bring two extra pair of clothes; socks, underwear, pants, shirts etc. Why? Because some of your clothes are likely going to get wet from the rain or dew. The best thing you can do is hang your clothes in the tent somewhere.

5. Bring a Porta Potty and Toilet Paper Your camp site may have a very antiseptic restroom or out house but it may be placed far away and be an inconvenience to walk to in the middle of the night. So I strongly recommend you buy the "Bumper Dumper". It is the coolest and most suitable item you'll ever bring camping. It sound silly at first, but once you've used it, you'll appreciate it's true value. Don't forget to bring some toilet paper.

6. Bring garbage bags and paper towels. All the time bring plenty of large plastic garbage bags and make sure you hang them high enough in a tree so raccoons and other critters can't get into the garbage. Also bring paper towels to clean up the grill and picnic table. The paper towels can also serve as a backup to the toilet paper in emergencies.

7. Bring a chair and a flashlight for each person. Everybody loves to site colse to the campfire at night and share stories or sing songs so All the time bring at least one chair for everyone. Nobody likes to stand and nobody like to be an outcast and sit on some stump or picnic table bench. Make sure you bring a flashlight for Everybody so they can keep it by them and their sleeping bag through out the night and not have to interrupt others that are sleeping.

8. Bring an outdoor grill and utensils. Bring a two-burner Camping Grill at a minimum. You can use it to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. Make sure your propane tank is full and don't forget to bring matches and utensils to handle the food.

9. Bring some toys (a Kayak, four wheeler, games & cards). After the Camping Tents are set up and you've fulfilled, eating, it's time for fun, exploration, hiking kayaking, four wheeling etc. Don't forget to bring some board games and cards to play inside the tent in case it rains. The game "Catch Phrase" is All the time fun. But if it's nice outside, think a four wheeler to ride the trails and observe the great outdoors. Four Wheelers are so fun for young and old. They are easy to control and can maneuver the deep wood authentically well. Buy a join of four wheelers. One for yourself and one for your child. If your camp site is by a lake, stream or river, get a kayak and enjoy the spray of water on your face your paddle touches the water and you float quietly downstream.

10. Bring a friend or loved one. Camping can be a lot of fun by yourself. You can overcome fears, face challenges, relax and get away from the stress of the city. But camping with a friend or loved one is even more fun. You share things while camping that you would never share in any other setting. There is a bonding that happens that wodrs can't explain. Bring a friend or loved one and All the time think bringing a child. But don't bring a child under 3 years old. Camping is just not the shame when a child under 3 years old is present.

Camping Tents - Top 10 Tips on How to Get Ready For Camping

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ultralight Backpacking Tents - Marmot Aura

Ultralight backpacking tents are designed to shed some of those all important pack lbs any way still articulate the room and endurance that is required on the trails. Many of the early ultralight backpacking tents had some serious issues with lightweight materials because they were delicate and had poor resistance against the elements. Luckily today the materials are a lot best and the buildings is much more resilient against mom nature's worst.

The Marmot Aura is one of my popular tents that I have in my collection. This tent topped surface Magazine's gear of the year award in 2008 and in my notion is yet to be ousted.

Tents Travel

Stats at a Glance:

Weight: 4.4 lbs

Dimensions: 88'L x 50'W x 40'H

Capacity: 2 people

Seasons: 3

Price: 0 - 0

Doors: 2

Here are two of the top reasons that I think the Marmot Aura is one of the best ultralight backpacking tents on the market.


The Marmot aura is the biggest tent that I have found for its weight, it has a full 30 sq feet of interior space and two vestibules, one at each door, that are an added 9 sq feet a piece. The pole building make the walls nearly vertical so that you have a ton of usable space and headroom. The two doors are a huge plus especially when you are camping with someone else person.

Protection from the elements:

I have been lucky adequate not to get caught in the snow with this tent but have read countless reviews of citizen who have. They say that the Marmot Aura held up beautifully with the weight of the snow even though they had to push the snow off from the inside. They also reported that the catenary cut floor with the raised taped seams kept the base of the tent bone dry. I have unwittingly tested the waterproof floors on a kayaking camping trip on the Edisto river. The whole trip was rain on and off, it subsided adequate to set my tent up and have some supper and drinks around the fire. During the night we basically experienced Armageddon which pounded us with 30 mile an hour winds and torrential thunderstorms. The next morning I woke up in about a 3 inch puddle. I could indubitably see the water line from inside my tent. I was dry as a bone the entire night and morning. I was not expecting to stay dry but was very pleasantly surprised, the Marmot Aura took the elements a lot best than some of my buddies Ultralight backpacking tents.

The Marmot Aura is indubitably hard to top when it comes to ultralight backpacking tents, the only con that I can think of is that it takes a few times of setting it up to master, but once you get the hang of it you can pitch it in a few minutes.

Ultralight Backpacking Tents - Marmot Aura

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tents for Camping

To me, camping means sleeping out in a tent. And tents for camping can be obtained to fit all just about every budget and camping requirement. Let me explain.

The most base type of tent in use at the occasion is the Dome Tent. These excellent camping tents can be erected with the minimum of fuss and are held open by a series of bendable poles which create a frame that the tent attaches to by clips or ties.

Tents Travel

The best dome tents are created with an inner tent that allows for air circulation but keeps the insects out. Make sure it also has a vestibule area where you can store your rucksack (pack) and boots - they can be face the inside tent, but out of sight and safe from the rain. Your inner tent should also have a waterproof floor. Cheap camping tents ordinarily have fiber glass poles, which can splinter quite easily. The good ability tents have aluminum or metal alloy poles, which are much more durable.

A waterproof outer tent then covers the face of the frame, holding out the rain and wind, but allowing vital air circulation so your breath and natural body sweat - even while sleeping - does not condense on the tent walls and drip on you! Yes. That can happen in poorly-made tents with inadequate ventilation.

If you just want to provide a play tent for the kids to use in your back yard, then a cheapie from the supermarket will do fine. Don't expect it to last too long, however.

A decent ability tent camping tent is more likely to cost you in the region of 0 or even more, but it should give you years of loyal aid as long as you look after it properly and don't let the kids run rampage with the thing. If you have to break camp in the rain and pack the tent up wet, make sure you open it up and dry it fully when you get home.

Looking after your tent means development sure it's properly clean and dry before it gets packed away. Otherwise mold and other problems will damage the canvas or other fabric, and corrosion will strike the metal parts.

Clean your tent when you've complete with it and pack it away safely. It will give years of aid if you look after it. It helps to take care of minor repairs right away, too. Don't be afraid to use a needle and thread or to apply a patch and stick it down firmly with adhesive. Untangle the guy lines and straighten or replace lost and damaged tent pegs as well. Then you're all set ready for your next camping adventure.

Tents for camping are ordinarily designed for any whole of citizen fluctuating from two to eight persons. If you can handle the extra weight and size, it's more comfortable to be in a tent that's slightly bigger than what you plan you'd need.

I enjoy camping alone in a 2-person tent, for example. But if there's a companion with me, I'll take a 3-person tent or something even larger. It just makes the confined space more pleasant when you have to be inside, and it leaves you room to place your backpack, shoes or boots, and wet-weather clothing nice and handy. In a tiny tent you have to pack up all you're not wearing, and may have to place your bags or backpacks face the tent. That may be fine in the wilderness someplace, but you sure wouldn't want to do this any place where others might steal your camping gear while you sleep.

You can eliminate unnecessary phone calls from the face world if you keep your cellphone switched off during the day. Just enjoy the day's camping activities. That's why you're there, isn't it? It's a good idea to have a cell phone ready for any life-threatening emergency. Just keep it switched off and deal with all else yourself. Of course, if you can't quite relax adequate to keep your movable off all the time, try to limit its use to switching the contraption on once each evening so you can check for any beyond doubt urgent messages.

Isn't that why you went tent camping, after all... To get away from the office?

Tents for Camping

Thursday, March 24, 2011

family Tent Camping in California

California is a spectacular place for camping. Having hundreds of parks and campgrounds ready for camping, means there is no shortage of great locations all across the state.

Choosing a Campground:

Tents Travel

How do you find the best campground for your family? First, you need to know what you want out of your camping vacation. All family members will have different tastes when it comes to a camping trip. There are many factors you need to consider for the ideal campground.

Cost is important, but most campgrounds are relativity reasonable and this should be determined when planning your budget. Most campgrounds in California payment an admission fee or a camping fee. These range in price and discounts can sometimes be obtained for extended stays. Smaller campgrounds normally payment less depending on amenities. A larger campground may payment higher fees, but normally have more amenities and activities for family entertainment.

Popular Campgrounds:

While there is no shortage of campgrounds in the Golden State, we will look at a few of the most favorite campgrounds.

#1. Big Basin Redwoods State Park - One of the most stunning landscapes with old giant redwoods, this park boast 18,000 acres of forest with over 2,000 feet of elevation change. A wide range of climates from sunny and warm ridge tops to foggy and damp at the ocean levels. family and group camping is ready along with tent cabins for rent. Activities comprise hiking and mountain biking trails, backpacking and equestrian trails. Over 80 miles of trails. This park is open year round.

#2. D. L. Bliss State Park - Enjoy this park on the shores of beautiful Lake Tahoe. This park has over 744 acres and features the Balancing Rock trail for hiking, boating and fishing on Lake Tahoe and family / group camping. The land was donated to the State Park ideas in 1929 by the he D.L. Bliss family.

#3. Joshua Tree National Park - This park turns 75 years old in 2011, visiting this park brings anniversary activities that will be held throughout the year. Normal activities comprise wildflower viewing, bird watching and anniversary activities such as the "Bio-Diversity Hunt" and the "National Junior Ranger Day" during National Park Week. family camping and hiking straight through this desert park are likely to search for as many as 813 species of vascular plants, lizards and painted panoramas.

Seasonal Temperatures:

California has a wide range of temperatures depending on what area of the state you plan to camp and what time of the year you visit. Temperatures can range from the lower teens in winter colossal regions to well over the century mark during summer months. Be sure and associate with the campground administrators for advice on local temperatures and predicated weather.

Campground Activities:

Activities vary greatly from campgrounds to campground. consider what your family likes to do while vacationing and look for these features when choosing where your camping holiday will be. Common activities comprise Hiking trails, bank fishing and boat rentals for free time cruising. Larger parks may contribute swimming pools and bike trails with rentals available.


Most campgrounds in California will take reservations and allow you to choose your camping spot. This is the best type of campground to choose if you are singular and prefer to pick out your own spot. Most reservations can be done online or by phone. favorite campgrounds and parks may be sold out well in advance, especially during holidays, so get your reservations as early as possible. For less crowded stays, you may wish to avoid holidays altogether.

What To Expect:

Almost all parks and campgrounds will join the basic necessities such as water, restrooms, camp grills and trash disposal. Some larger parks may have a small store on-site that offers food, drinks and camping supplies.

What's Next:

Now that your familiar with campgrounds and know what to look for, it's time to do the research. Ask friends and family for recommendations, visit state and national parks websites or contact a local tour facts center. This will help you learn what you need to know and allow you to correlate several campgrounds to find the exquisite one for you.

Be Prepared:

Download several camping checklist from the internet to help guide you. These list will help prepare you by showing roughly every conceivable item you may need during a camping trip.

family Tent Camping in California

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Army Tents

An imperative part of the list for troops operations is tents. Tents required by the troops are often subject to several stringent specifications, depending upon the geographical terrain, climatic conditions and discrete other factors. For example, a tent which is to be used in the Arctic region would differ in its requirement outlines from the one which is to be used in an arid region. Army tents came into the principles in a big way, primarily after the Second World War and now find widespread use in not only national defence operations but also by the United Nations and for disaster relief operations.

The main considerations for army tents are flexibility of use in discrete weather conditions, cost effectiveness, rigidity, durability, strength. Most importantly, they should be easy to set up. On a skeletal basis, army tents may be quarterly 2m by 4m tents, dome tents, arctic tents, ridge tents, hospital tents, cottage tents, thermal tents and storage tents. The frame structure generally uses an aluminium alloy and as for the covering, while the exterior may use a polyester fabric, the interior is often made of polyethylene or polypropylene. The exterior normally takes on an Og or a Khaki tone for camouflage.

Tents Travel

These tents may be in case,granted with roof insulation or thermal cap insulation so that they can be deployed in discrete kinds of natural conditions. Mess and hospital tents must be in case,granted with cooking vents and extendable frames.

Another important consideration for Army tents is camouflage. It's important that these tents blend into the landscape and should not be easy to spot from the air or from a distance. Army tents often use patterns that furnish camouflage depending on the location.

Army tents are normally at the cutting edge of innovation. Currently, the U.S. Army's Natick Soldier Systems center is working in close co-operation with Iowa Thin Film Technologies to create tents and other fabrics made with flexible solar panels to furnish energy. The aim is to create up to one kilowatt of vigor using solar power, enough power to run devices such as laptops and lights.

All in all, army tents play a crucial role in the protection of the men deployed and in the success of an operation.

Army Tents

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Camper Trailers - Redefining voyage palpate

Camper trailers are a coarse equipments supplementing trip in Australia. These tow-along light weight vehicles furnish sleeping places to the travelers which are often best and more protected than tents. Moreover, they now make a significant lifestyle statement for their owners. Evolving from tent like structures or the plush Rvs today, the camper trailers have come a long way. These when you buy a trailer you are buying a lifestyle. Today a very straightforward trailer would be adequate with the following facilities:


Tents Travel

Stove, oven, grill

Microwave cooker

Water heater

Beds, often doubling up as daytime seating

Toilets and shower

Television with satellite dish

Air conditioning

Clothes washer and dryer

Camper trailer in Brisbane is a loud accessory for trip enthusiasts. Such trailers are often ready on rent as well as can be bought from market placed in the city. Shops also provides 'try before you buy' opportunities to prospective customer so that they can be sure about their investment. There are also a wide variety of Camp poke in Qld to choose from as per your convenience. Some places from where you can take your pick are listed below:

1. Johnnos Camp poke

2. Trackabout off Road Camp poke

3. Vacation Campers

4. Outback Camp poke

5.ModCon Campers

6. A best lifestyle Campers

7. Aussie Swag Campers

8. Austrack Campers

For those who are looking for a reasonable medium between basic tents and towing a large Rv, trailer tents or camper trailer tents are a viable option. They are less costly and smaller trip accessories that can be towed on medium sized vehicles. Some of the smallest tent trailers can be pulled by contract cars and automobiles. These tents are often referred to as collapsible or pop-up campers. Some of the tents are adequate with some of the amenities of the Rvs. There are many types of such tents. Some are designed to be used for wilderness adventures while others are more considerable for family camping.

Sales of camper trailers are a very coarse in Brisbane, Qld, because of its growing ask as a trip accessory and a lifestyle statement. Individuals as well as families often choose to own an Rv just a s a lifestyle statement Shops often escort sale and hire programs regularly. A visit to the following websites will give a fair idea about the camp poke sales in Brisbane.

Apart from expanding the comfort of travelers,camp poke have redefined trip experience. They have revealed new horizons in the belief of travel. With the trip trailer you can be carefree about availability of hotels and also have a place to stay which is far more get than tents. Now you can be home even when you are far away.

Camper Trailers - Redefining voyage palpate

Friday, March 18, 2011

selecting an Rv - tour Trailers

Travel trailers are some of the most base Rv units purchased by the working family, as the cost of entry is fairly low especially if one already owns a convenient tow vehicle. voyage trailers are favorite as they can be towed be a wide range of ordinarily available vehicles including pickup trucks, vans, Suv's and in the case of the very small trailers, potential even a car.

Travel trailers come in hard or soft walled varieties, the nostalgic teardrop shaped, and other imaginative configurations such as models that telescope upwards when camping, and lowered when towing. Many hybrid models also exist obscuring the lines between tent trailer and voyage trailer, with fabric or hard walled extensions that pop out on one or both ends. Exteriors will often highlight the older, proper aluminum siding, though many are now featuring smooth, easy to clean fiberglass siding as standard.

Tents Travel

In the larger models, slideouts are often featured, with some sporting as many as three slides. voyage trailers can come with interiors that are rustic and proper in the lower end, all the way up to immaculate appointments in the high luxury models. In these coaches, you will get what you pay for. Floorplans can come in every startling arrangement including cut off bedrooms or bunkhouses even with a slideout for the kids.


Travel trailers are fairly easy to hitch and unhitch freeing the tow car to be used for sightseeing and running errands. Many available floorplans allowing the integrate or the large family to find a model ideal for their needs. Can be towed by a wide range of vehicles saving the buyer from having to buy a motorized Rv if a convenient tow car is already owned.


Travel trailers can be more difficult to tow than a fifth wheel trailer, as sway and drift can occur. permissible tool such as sway bars can and permissible balancing can help with this. Not as convenient as a motorhome in operation, as one has to get out of the tow car to enter the trailer. This can be a security concern when overnighting in rest areas for instance. Travel trailers have larger footprints as they include the tongue in the total distance advertised. Because they are hanging in back of the tow car in difference to a fifth wheel, larger models can be difficult to maneuver and get in smaller campgrounds.

Cost: The cost of entry to the world of Rv'ing can be quite small if buying a proper pull trailer. provided you own a tow vehicle, voyage trailers can range from a low of nearby ,000 to ,000 or more depending on quality, options and customizations chosen.

Travel trailers can make an perfect buy for the fulltiming integrate who also want to have a tow car also a truck, which isn't potential with fifth wheel trailers. Some tow with a van or van conversion or even a truck with a camper mounted for many use Rv's in one package. For the family a proper trailer is also a great purchase as they will beyond doubt find a perfect floor plan to suit their needs. Keep in mind that the larger models may be difficult to drive to, and setup in the more primitive campgrounds when purchasing. One just needs to decide their unique needs as far as goals for the trailer and the terrain they wish to voyage in. With a wise look at these factors you can't go wrong.

selecting an Rv - tour Trailers

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Have Tent, Will trip

Your tent is the most leading item you will bring with you on your camping expedition. If you're new to camping, it can be confusing to settle which tent is right for you. Don't go for the Taj Mahal of tents if you don't need it. And on the flip side, don't buy the smallest tent just because it's the cheapest. Here is a short guide to the separate types of tents available and the best uses for them. But first, let's go over some key points when mulling your options.

Material: When shopping you'll run across three types of tent fabric - nylon, which is very lightweight and great for relaxation camping; canvas, which is very heavy and ideal for hunting or more rugged outdoor excursions; polyester, which is great for standing up to the sun.

Tents Travel

Waterproof: Make sure your tent is waterproof and able to withstand any weather conditions you might face while on your camping excursion. I have seen tents cave in at some campsites during a heavy downpour. (Lucky for those guys, though, they had a camping car!)

Easy setup: You want to make sure that setting up your tent isn't labor-intensive. This may cause you to avoid camping altogether. Today's pop-up tents are easy to set up, and durable.

Ok, on to tent styles.

A-frame tents: Just like it sounds, the A-frame tent forms a peak in the middle and is held up by two poles and stakes. These tents are good for overnight camping, particularly if you're backpacking. They are lightweight and easy to set up. This is not an ideal tent for a family camping trip, unless you plan to use it for the kids. There is no headroom in this tent, so keep that in mind. Basically, the A-frame tent is for sleeping and not much more.

Dome tents: Probably the most favorite tent in use today, the dome tent uses a ideas of geometric poles that overlap one other to form the shape of the tent. Dome tents come a myriad of shapes and sizes. The flexible poles originate a curve in the structure, which opens up the tent's interior space. The dome tent is ideal for recreational camping. It is able to withstand just about any weather condition given its whole of corners (which also contribute great storage space inside the tent), it's roomy and can sleep up to six population depending on which size you purchase. Many dome tents come with a rain fly, which is basically added protection against the elements.

Pup tent: Ah, the pup tent. Probably reminds you of an episode of M*A*S*H. And it should as it's a excellent tent style. The pup tent accommodates, at most, two population and provides small to no headroom. It's held up by two sets of poles in the front and back and a series of stakes. Pup tents have a window for ventilation, but we advise you use a pup tent for an overnight car camping trip or backpacking trip, not a recreational family camping trip.

Tunnel or "hoop" tent: This style of tent is a favorite among backpackers. It's very lightweight and easy to set up. It uses a series of flexible poles that originate a tunnel-like structure. Depending on weather conditions and terrain, extra stakage may be necessary.

There are some tent manufacturers to pick from, including Timberland, Coleman, Rei, Cabelas, Ozark Trail and Gander Mountain. Or you can always pick to sleep in your camping car, assuming you have one! Check their Web sites for pricing options.

Have Tent, Will trip

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Welcom to Ceap Backpackings and Tents.

Cheap Backpacking and camping outdoor tents is built for outdoor living. If you are looking for a good tent. For the family holiday. We think we have cheap tents for you to choose a tent inspection requirements. Think you can enjoy shopping. Be happy to rest.